Entertaining and educating our community through theater
Using the empowering vehicle of theater to provide exceptional and enriching entertainment and educational programming that is accessible to all members of our community
About Us
Sitting upon the highest point in downtown Westerly, Rhode Island, you will find our beautiful theater, a handsomely restored Greek Revival Church. Purchased in 1843 for a mere $200 (just under $8,000 today), it soon became the home of "The Christian Chapel in Westerly", and in 1849, the building was complete.
(We've been told that it was built upon a magic rock, so if you are brave enough to venture into our tiny rubble basement, we'll let you be the judge of that myth!)
Later establishing itself as the Broad Street Christian Church, this historic landmark has remained relatively unchanged, aside from a remodel of the steeple which was destroyed in the Hurricane of 1938.
In the year 2000, we reopened our doors as the Granite Theatre, and have since been welcoming our community into the building for quality, year-round entertainment and educational programming. We plan to continue this tradition for many years to come!
Thank you for visiting and we hope to see you at the theatre!
Meet the Team
Nicole DiMattei
Artistic Director
A recent transplant to Westerly from New York City, Nicole has performed, produced, directed, choreographed, and wrote for the better part of twenty years. She co-created four Off Broadway shows that were hailed as "must-sees", two of them making it to the top 100 longest running Off Broadway shows of all time. She managed an international tour that played twenty-six cities, has ghost written fourteen novels, was a finalist for the Disney/ABC writer's program, had a monthly sketch comedy show at Caroline's on Broadway, and had a pilot optioned by Lionsgate Entertainment. Favorite NYC moment: performing in three different Off Broadway shows on the same day! A lifetime later, she finally feels at home in this wonderful community and at the beautiful Granite Theatre.

Board Members
Dina Ferri
Laura Thompson
Dante Gulino
George Sanchez
Wylette Selvidio
Tony Trombino
Robin Workman
John Lercara
David McCombe
Julia Buteux
Kevin Mackay